Easy cute crochet dress keychain 

Hello cutesy!

I wanted to make a pink dress for the girl who loves wearing pink and makes cute stuff. And, I can’t believe how cute and princess-like it turned out to be. I honestly can’t wait to give it to you dear little cousin.

Dress keychainWorking in continuous rounds,

Round 1: Chain 12, sl st to the beginning chain.
Round 2: [sc in the sc, 2sc in the next sc] * 6 times. (18)
Round 3: [sc in the next 2sc, 2sc in the next sc] * 6 times. (24)
Round 4: [sc in the next 3sc, 2sc in the next sc] * 6 times. (30)
Round 5: Skip 7 chains, sc, sc in the next 6sc, skip 7 chains, sc, sc in the next 6sc.(14)
This forms the arm hole and the sleeves.
Round 6: 2sc in the sc, sc in the next 6sc, 2sc in the sc, sc in the next 6sc. (16)
Round 7: sc around. (16)
Round 8: sl st around. (16)
Round 9: [sc in the sc, 2sc in the next sc] * 8 times. (24)
Round 10: [sc in the next 2sc, 2sc in the next sc] * 8 times. (32)
Round 11: [sc in the next 3sc, 2sc in the next sc] * 8 times. (40)
Round 12: [sc in the next 4sc, 2sc in the next sc] * 8 times. (48)
Round 13: [sc in the next 5sc, 2sc in the next sc] * 8 times. (56)
Round 14: sc around. (56)
Round 19: sc around. (56)
Round 20: sl st around. (56)

There’s your easy simple pretty little crochet dress. Embellish them as you please. I loved making these white colored bullion roses embroidery along the neck line.

collageI’ve transformed it into a key chain in a way that the key remains hidden within the skirt.

Crochet Earrings

Sorry about the late post, been busy preparing for diwali. It’s diwali here today and I was excited to wear my new royal blue coloured dress finally. While I was wondering about my accesories, I got super pumped on seeing the embroidery floss lying around. And started crocheting these earrings. Now, the dilemma arose should I post these under crochet or embroidery(Obviously crochet, just playing tricks with your head).

Hope these photos suffice to explain what I went through(Pressed for time). Will do a detailed post soon enough, I promise.

DSC01957DSC01951DSC01948 DSC01952And now my cranky silly head decided, I should try and remove it to see if it fits another pair of earrings. And it ended up like this 😦

DSC01958So had to start over, and ended up with a not so great design, still wore it.


Bottle Brush Embroidery

Hello french knots!




Med. Coral

Med. Olive Green


Crewel Needle

This Design Uses

Chain stitch, Fly stitch, French knot, Granitos, Stem stitch, Straight stitch

All embroidery is worked with a single strand of thread unless otherwise specified.

Open flower

Fig 1: Chain stitch
Fig 2: French knots & Straight stitch

Stitch the green center line in chain stitch with 2 strands of green thread. (Fig 1) From the center of every chain stitch, work 4-5 straight stitches radiating from each sides. Add a french knot to the tip of each straight stitch. (Fig 2)


Fig 3: Stem stitch & straight stitch

Embroider the stems in stem stitch and work the left hand stem up to the tip of the flower. Outline the six large leaves and fill them with rows of stem stitch packed closely together. (Fig 3) Stitch 5 small leaves at the tip of the open flower and three at the tip of the opening flower. For each work with 3-4 straight stitches starting from the same fabric hole at the tip.

Opening flower

Work 3-5 straight stitches for the stamens. Work fly stitch around the base of each group. (Fig 4) Below the small leaves at the top embroider four closed buds along the stem. Work granitos of 3-4 straight stitches for each one.

Fig 4: Fly stitch
Fig 4: Fly stitch


Hello outline stitch!

There cant be a tutorial for it, just drew on a pattern I found online and stitched the pattern using the outline stitch.

Dedicated to my dear little sister.
