Easy cute crochet dress keychain 

Hello cutesy!

I wanted to make a pink dress for the girl who loves wearing pink and makes cute stuff. And, I can’t believe how cute and princess-like it turned out to be. I honestly can’t wait to give it to you dear little cousin.

Dress keychainWorking in continuous rounds,

Round 1: Chain 12, sl st to the beginning chain.
Round 2: [sc in the sc, 2sc in the next sc] * 6 times. (18)
Round 3: [sc in the next 2sc, 2sc in the next sc] * 6 times. (24)
Round 4: [sc in the next 3sc, 2sc in the next sc] * 6 times. (30)
Round 5: Skip 7 chains, sc, sc in the next 6sc, skip 7 chains, sc, sc in the next 6sc.(14)
This forms the arm hole and the sleeves.
Round 6: 2sc in the sc, sc in the next 6sc, 2sc in the sc, sc in the next 6sc. (16)
Round 7: sc around. (16)
Round 8: sl st around. (16)
Round 9: [sc in the sc, 2sc in the next sc] * 8 times. (24)
Round 10: [sc in the next 2sc, 2sc in the next sc] * 8 times. (32)
Round 11: [sc in the next 3sc, 2sc in the next sc] * 8 times. (40)
Round 12: [sc in the next 4sc, 2sc in the next sc] * 8 times. (48)
Round 13: [sc in the next 5sc, 2sc in the next sc] * 8 times. (56)
Round 14: sc around. (56)
Round 19: sc around. (56)
Round 20: sl st around. (56)

There’s your easy simple pretty little crochet dress. Embellish them as you please. I loved making these white colored bullion roses embroidery along the neck line.

collageI’ve transformed it into a key chain in a way that the key remains hidden within the skirt.

Teddy Amigurumi Key-chain- #womensday

Hello teddy girl!

I made this little amigurumi teddy key chain in a day and I can’t believe how cute it turned out to be, considering the amount of time it took, making it. A friend of mine had recently got through her post graduation with  great success and I couldn’t think of a better gift for her. Although, it’s not my own pattern, I loved how easy it was to follow.





graduationteddy            graduationteddy